UWP 102H

Writing in the Disciplines: Human Development and Psychology

Catalog Description

UWP 102H. Writing in the Disciplines: Human Development and Psychology (4)
Lecture/discussion—3 hours; extensive writing. Prerequisite: course 1 or English 3 or the equivalent and upper division standing. Open to majors and minors or to students concurrently enrolled in an upper division course in Human Development or Psychology. Advanced instruction in writing and practice in effective styles of communication in Human Development and Psychology.  GE credit: Wrt (cannot be used to satisfy a college or university composition requirement and GE writing experience simultaneously).  Not open for credit to students who have completed UWP 102A in the same academic field.—I (I).

Topical Outline

"Practicing writing in a variety of formats and genres, including personal essays, resumes, literature reviews, reports, academic research papers, and articles for a general audience. "Practicing conventions of style, discourse and documentation (APA) in Human Development and Psychology. "Understanding the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing for style, clarity, cohesion, and correctness. "Analyzing rhetorical situations, formats, and genres in Human Development and Psychology. "Strengthening analytic reading skills. "Differentiating among varied types of sources and learning how to use primary and secondary sources appropriately. "Developing an effective style of oral and written communication in Human Development and Psychology.


Readings will be drawn from the courses in which students are concurrently enrolled, including texts such as J. M. Tanner, Fetus into Man, Michael and Sheila R. Cole, The Development of Children, or selected pieces by John Bowlby. The instructor will also assign abstracts, journal articles, research reports, observations, case studies, and other publications that are representative of the fields of Human Development and Psychology, as well as other texts from these fields selected to enhance the students' understanding and writing process for each assignment.

Course Format and Requirements

UWP 102H is a four-unit course. Three hours per week is lecture/discussion. There is 6 hrs. of outside prep time that goes with the 3 hrs. of lecture/discussion. As with all upper division writing courses, an additional unit of credit is justified by the significant amount of work that students must do outside of class time to plan, draft, and revise that 6000 or more words of required writing (additional 3 hrs. outside of class). In addition to this substantial written requirement, students will meet individually with the instructor for discussion and evaluation of their work. The estimated time of preparation of the writing assignments (research, consultation, drafting, revision) is thirty hours, an amount consistent with Carnegie Rule guidelines.

Explanation of Potential Course Overlap

UWP 102H Writing in the Disciplines: Human Development and Psychology does not overlap with any other courses. UWP 102H is distinguished from other advanced composition courses by its focus on writing within the discipline of Human Development and Psychology and from courses in Human Development and Psychology by its focus on writing.

General Education Justification

Grades will be based on the students' performance on in- and out-of-class writing assignments and on a final exam. Students will write a minimum of 6000 words; the number of assignments and the weight of each assignment will vary according to the instructor. Instructors may choose assignments from among the following types of assignments: oral report, summary report, literature review, proposal, research report, lab report, abstract, an article on a scientific subject directed toward a lay audience, or similar project related to scientific research. All assignments will be graded on content and style. Each assignment will be thoroughly introduced by the instructor, using models of successful work as appropriate. Students will receive frequent feedback on drafts of assignments, through instructor commentary, conferences, and peer response. Students will have frequent opportunity to revise drafts.