Writing Process
1.1 Deploy various strategies for engaging in writing as an iterative and social process that involves self-reflection, metacognition, and respectful collaboration
Rhetorical Situation
2.1 Compose texts in a variety of modes (print, visual, digital, multimodal) driven by the exigencies and constraints of rhetorical situations and in response to the demands of public, private, and academic contexts
Information Literacy
3.1 Gather and use information in rhetorically and ethically motivated ways through various mechanisms such as: identifying, analyzing, and contextualizing scholarly resources; interpreting visual and physical texts; activating schema; collaborating with peers or experts; conducting qualitative and quantitative primary research
Critical Thinking
4.1 Compose texts that demonstrate students’ abilities to read, contextualize, analyze, and synthesize diverse and increasingly complex texts and ideas
Engaging with Theory
5.1 Compose texts that demonstrate an understanding of significant generic and theoretical framework
Knowledge of Conventions
6.1 Compose texts that demonstrate an understanding of and meet the expectations of form, language, and format that are shaped by discourse communities, genres, and composers