
Sometimes we're not aware of what we've learned until we start writing. In WAC, we think about this concept as "writing to learn." Use this assignment as an opportunity to integrate and reflect on the work you've done during the certificate series.


This quarter, you made a commitment to enhance your writing practice and theoretical knowledge. We want to know about your growth as a writer. How did partaking in the certificate series help you to develop your writing identity, motivation, and confidence? Please write a short (~500 word) essay documenting your experience of the Graduate Certificate in Writing Theory and Practice. Some ideas are listed below to get you started but please feel free to create your own focus.

Ideas to get you started:

  • Link what you have learned in this certificate series to your previous ideas and/or habits around writing. How has the series changed your thinking and/or behavior?
  • What did you enjoy most and least about the certificate series?
  • What would you keep the same / improve?
  • What problems do you think graduate students or academics struggle with most in their writing? How do you think those problems could best be addressed?

Submit your reflection

Once you have completed all certificate requirements, please go to this link and upload your documents.